HAMDEN, CT, 06514, USA
Subject CJM TRUCKING LLC is a legal business entity registered in the Register of the state of Connecticut under the legal form of Domestic Limited Liability Company. The company is written in the register with the ID number 1383928 and its seat is at HAMDEN, CT, 06514, USA. The company was established on 23rd March 2021 and its actual status is Active.
Entity Name | CJM TRUCKING LLC |
Entity Number | 1383928 |
Status | Active |
Incorporation Date | 23rd March 2021 |
Business Address | HAMDEN, CT, 06514, USA |
Mailing Address | HAMDEN, CT, 06514, USA |
Citizenship/State Inc | Domestic/CT |
Legal form | Domestic Limited Liability Company |
The company and its activities are actually managed by 2 persons with the responsibility of its market actions. Persons written in the register are CHRISTOPHER J MUMFORD, who’s seat is at HAMDEN, CT, 06514, USA, REGISTERED AGENTS INC., who’s seat is at 18 KING ST, STRATFORD, 06497, CT.
Role | Principal |
Title | MEMBER |
Residence Address | HAMDEN, CT, 06514, USA |
Business Address | HAMDEN, CT, 06514, USA |
Role | Registered Agent |
Business Address | 18 KING ST, STRATFORD, 06497, CT |